• Free rebooking
  • Self-service check-in
  • Lots of privacy and hygiene

We understand that it can be exciting to book a holiday now. That's why we offer you a free rebooking guarantee. This offers you security in these uncertain times and so you can be sure of a wonderful holiday. Is your holiday not possible? No worries! Then we will be happy to welcome you another time.

By booking your holiday now, you can be sure of the accommodation you want!

What does the rebooking guarantee mean?

  • If your holiday cannot go ahead, you can rebook up to 7 days in advance. Whether the cat has fallen ill, the car has a flat tyre or you suddenly no longer feel like going on holiday (which we can't imagine);
  • The voucher is always valid until the end of the following year;
  • Rebook 7 days in advance free of charge;
  • You can come back another time and your money will not be lost;
  • No cancellation and change fees.